The Flutter Bounty Hunters aim to be as flexible with its team, as possible. The team is remote, allowing developers to work from any location in the world, at times, and in ways that are preferred by the developer. Each Bounty Hunter is invited to work on projects as they become available. Bounty Hunters won't be forced to work on projects that don't interest them.

With great flexibility comes great responsibility. Bounty Hunters are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that promotes the success of the team.


Bounty Hunters won't be forced to work on projects that don't interest them. However, once a Bounty Hunter has accepted an invitation to work on a project, that Bounty Hunter is expected to follow through on his/her work for that project. The Flutter Bounty Hunters must provide dependable development for our clients, and this responsibility falls on the shoulders of every member of the team.

Don't be blocked

Being blocked is a choice. You have a team around you, including technical leadership. If you're stuck on a problem, or you're not sure what to do next, reach out to your team as soon as possible. You're in charge of your own progress.

Check in often

Nobody likes a babysitter, but teams need to align on objectives. To avoid management babysitters, Bounty Hunters should check in, often, about features they've implemented, bugs they've fixed, or hurdles that they're running into.

Effective software engineering

The world is filled with mediocre packages. The goal of the Flutter Bounty Hunters is to publish high quality packages, with convenient, documented, and tested APIs. Each individual Bounty Hunter is expected to write high quality code at all times.

Failing expectations

Any Bounty Hunter who routinely fails to meet expectations will not be invited back for future projects.